Quantum Energy Initiative
24 Jan, 2023The quantum energy initiative (QEI) was launched in August 2022. It ambitions to create a community gathering experts from various origins, from fundamental quantum physics to technology, from hardware to software, from research to industry, caring for the physical resource cost of emerging quantum technologies and willing to address the question in a scientific way. This requires to build new methodologies, language, and roadmaps.
For the past six months, the QEI has gained momentum, been presented in various conferences worldwide by its co-founders and advertised in various quantum ecosystems. At the present time, there are about 275 participants from 36 countries, as well as 24 research, industry vendors, HPC providers partners and quantum ecosystem organizations.
The first obvious step is to know each other, exchange knowledge, and network. To do so, QEI plan to launch a YouTube channel to broadcast seminars and events, typically targeting one seminar every other month.
The first in person QEI workshop is scheduled in Singapore in November 2023 – more information about it soon.
The QEI website will be frequently updated with new papers, announcements, job advertisements and call for papers. Information flows will be managed and supervised by the recently established QEI board.
As a researcher interested by the energetic of quantum technology, you can join the QEI community through the join-us page or by emailing at contact@quantum-energy-initiative.org